Roof void, if you have one, is another area you probably hardly ever climb into.

But stop and think for a moment: if you were to buy a new house, you’d surely want to know whether the space under the roof is looking alright.

There is a few things the inspector would normally look to report on, such as:

  • Are there any leaks?
  • Is there any pest damage?
  • What about insulation?
  • Is the roof well-supported?

In this video we will tell you how you can help an inspector to access as much of the roof void as possible and prepare a more complete report. Because remember, the more complete the report is, the more confident your buyers will be.

Read more about preparing your roof void for an inspection.

Feeling adventurous? It’s time to get on the roof!

Best Regards,
The EYEON Property Inspections Team

At EYEON Property Inspections, we help you buy and sell with more confidence.